4th Annual Holy Cross Academy & Our Lady of Mount Carmel Knights of Columbus
We are excited to host one of our best fundraisers, the Night At the Races!
Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 1, 2025 and plan to join us at Schoppol Hall (St. Teresa campus)
for an adult evening of fun and chances to win money & prizes!
★ A $35 admission ticket gets you dinner, dessert, beer, and soft drinks!
Event is BYOB...and bring your own snacks and apps for your table.
★ This is an open seating event, but we will reserve a table of 8 or more.
★ Doors open at 6 PM, Dinner begins at 6:30 PM, and the Horse Races begin at 7:30 PM.
★ In addition to the chance to win on the individual horse races, you can also try your luck at the Chinese auction and 50/50!
★ HORSES can be purchased for $10. This is a fun way to win extra money, because if your horse crosses the finish line 1st, you automatically win $50!!!
Buy horses for yourself; sell them to your friends... and have fun naming your horse!
Don’t miss out—these horses sell fast! Add to your ticket purchase today!
QUESTIONS? Email [email protected]